Tuesday, March 12

Stephenie Meyer finally opens up about incomplete 'Twilight' tale 'Midnight Sun'

"For most Twilight fans, the question over what happened to and will become of Midnight SunStephenie Meyer's partially completed draft ofTwilight from Edward Cullen's perspective, has been raging on for years.
While promoting the upcoming release of her other own book-to-screen adaptation, The Host, in the United Kingdom recently, Meyer finally spoke up about the thing everyone's been dying know.
To the BBC, she explained how that incomplete draft which popped up online and led to her shutting down the project altogether came around.
"You know, that really wasn't a digital issue," she said. "At first, it was quite scary because I had had my e-mail hacked once, and there was sort of this feeling like people were getting into my computer. After I was able to track it down, it turned out that wasn't the case at all ...
I believe, I was part of a writer's group early in, and we all would trade manuscripts, and I think someone made a copy and I'm sure there are a lot of starting authors who would love to for people to pick up their copy however that could be managed, but there was no harm intended."
Whether or not there was malice involved in the early reveal of Midnight Sun, Meyer also said that there'sanother reason why she couldn't quite finish the manuscript for it.
"It wasn't something that I was in the middle of working on [at the time of the leak]," she said. "It was a project that I had been doing before, but then I was working on the movies at that time and finishing up the last novel and I was able to do that last novel without interfering mentally from the film and the actors being the characters, but I could feel it seeping in more and more, and I wasn't able to really get into the characters completely separate from the movie anymore, so it didn't really feel like I could write it at that point because it was a little tainted by that other vision."

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