Sunday, February 10

Taylor to play a young Han Solo in Star Wars spin-off?

When it was announced that Disney would be making spin-off films that would expand the Star Wars Universe, the response was mostly excitement followed by some trepidation. The two confirmed films that are most likely going to go forward first are the Boba Fett origins, as well as the story based on a younger Han Solo. The Han Solo film is generating a lot of excitement, not least because Harrison’s Ford Han Solo is one of the most beloved characters in the history of cinema.
So who has the chops to play Han Solo? Although it should be an unknown, just as Ford was when he was cast in the original Star Wars, fans are already clamoring for Taylor Lautner to play the lead. Most of the fan attention seems to come from the fact that Taylor possesses the physical chops to play the role, as well as bares a passing resemblance to Ford. Could he accurately pass of as a younger version of Harrison Ford? Not likely. However, the Star Wars films have a rare advantage in that it doesn’t matter if they cast or don’t cast an already well-known celebrity. Much like Star Trek, Hunger Games, Harry Potter, and other movies with pre-existing fan awareness, fans will turn up no matter who you cast.
Whether it’s Taylor Lautner or not, one can only hope that Disney knows what they’re doing with this. In addition to possibly making millions of fans angry, they risk alienating their hardcore fan base by going against the existing Star Wars extended universe that was already established by the books - which, incidentally, includes Han Solo’s backstory and how he became the owner of the legendary Millenium Falcon and best friends with Chewbacca. HARRISON FORD OPEN TO PLAYING HAN SOLO IN STAR WARS: EPISODE VII

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