Monday, February 25

Breaking Dawn - Part 1 Extended Edition is A-mazing...Read My Lionsgate Adventure!

I've seen Breaking Dawn - Part 1 Extended Edition and I'm all giddy to tell you how amazing it is!

My husband said, "but it's a Pajama Day!"  I can't argue as I am a power sleeper, nothing gets me up early and especially on a Saturday, except Twilight that is.  When Lionsgate invited me to the special screening my Twi-reflexes said yes before I even looked at the calendar, or asked my husband about his plans. I was up at the break of dawn getting ready for the drive to LA which can take an hour, or four, depending on the traffic.  As we arrived, the Lionsgate building looked nothing like the prestigious movies they make.  Regular offices, in a regular part of LA, is the home of ViacomEMI and Lionsgate, so something must be in the water on that street.

The people at Lionsgate were waiting for the fan sites in the Lionsgate lobby.  They took time to get to know everyone and were very welcoming.  I beelined straight to the Breaking Dawn - Part 1 Extended and Part 2 DVDs on display.  I was so excited to hold a real DVD cover that we have all been discussing for months. I took a million few pictures to share.  The "final" label on a yellow post it on the back let's you know this was one of the concept pieces!

Did I mention we were watching Breaking Dawn - Part 1 Extended Edition in Lionsgate's private screening room?  I am forever spoiled...the sound system alone was worth the drive!  As the screening began a few of Liongate's Marketing team were able to speak about the franchise.  They said that the Twilight Franchise has the best and most dedicated fan base out of any movie in history, including Star Wars.  That the fans dedication to the books and movies were a driving force in how they archived the footage being shoot. Being shoot you say?  We will get to that in a minute. It seemed like they had the rare opportunity to know they were involved in something special.  But we already know how special it is, but Lionsgate gets it, they really get it!  With Summit Entertainment's sign down on their old building, and no employees going there anymore, this is the beginning of forever with Lionsgate.

As I watched Breaking Dawn- Part 1 Extended Edition with the other fansites, I realized that there were full scenes added as well as little things.  I kept saying to myself, was that longer, was that phrase cut, did I see more Emmett?  I don't want to spoil what you will see so I won't get too descriptive.  For me, being the Team Edward girl that I am, one scene was worth purchasing the extended edition just for that scene.  Let's just say that Jacob deserved it and has for many movies!  We've already seen a glimpse at the Rosalie and Jacob sene here.  I swear there was a little more honeymoon water, but that could have just been my wild imagination!  The fight outside the Cullen's house was a little longer.  But that is not everything. The behind the scenes to Breaking Dawn - Part 2 footage we saw is hilarious.  One clip in particular was Robert Pattinson doing stunts, over and over,"But , I can't do it,", he says laughing while Kristen laughs at him too was priceless.
As the movie wrapped it was hysterical as all the fansites went into a frenzy discussing did you see this, do you remember that...I am sure Lionsgate was excited by our reactions since we are "die-hards" according to Erik Odom who plays Peter.  Lionsgate surprised us again with lunch with some nomadic vampires!  Erik Odom (Peter) and Toni Trucks (Mary)!  I'm so sorry that I forgot to take pictures for ya'll of them...UGH.

Now onto new news.  Lionsgate is in the process of putting together a documentary about the fandom.  Erik Odom already got a sneak peek at it!  They need more footage to complete the archive.  During Friday's Midnight DVD Release parties, there will be camera crews capturing footage to add to the documentary!  So if you aren't them up!  More to come on what might be happening for the Friday, March 1st midnight release parties and full list coming soon!  "

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