Sunday, September 2

Discover the group Iko!

The news are very quiet at the moment, so I took the opportunity to listen to some songs of the band Iko which, according to Jack Morrissey , should be included on the soundtrack of Breaking Dawn Part 2 . Verdict: I really hope he is right! Remember this song heard in the film clip unveiled to American fans for the DVD release of the first part in Target stores ... 

The song, titled " Heart of Stone "should normally be used well in the movie * fingers crossed *. But until heard in its entirety, I suggest you listen to another song on the group which I confess to crack. It is called " Numbers "and we find the same sweetness as in" Heart of Stone ".

(Unofficial Video)

Meanwhile, you can also listen to some of their other songs on their official websiteHERE (the site is under construction at the moment but just follow the arrows down to go from one song to another), follow on Twitter ( HERE ) and on Facebook ( HERE ).

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