Thursday, August 30

Please Source my post on your page!!!

Have notice people are coming to my page and posting my news of Taylor on there pages and not putting me as a source where they found it.  Theres one Latin page is making my stories theres is not fair when i post my stories i always put a source where i find it don't come to my page and take my story and make it yours cause i will shout you out if it keeps on if i have respect too post your stories on my page and put my source where i find you should do the same.

So if it keeps on am a block my pictures for been tag to any pages lets be fair and respect our pages ..

Thank You
Admin of Taylor Lautner Fan Page

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I'm Twilight Saga Administrator Argentina. I received some messages saying I'm stealing the information, I just want to say that it is not, the photos of Taylor mailed to me at the end of each post can see the name of the person who sent me things. Do not want any trouble with you, I am not of those people who steal information from other pages, always credited. The times I have taken something from here, I put the name of your page.
    My email is if they want to talk to me


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