Saturday, October 26

Tracers Report (SPOILERS) by Nikitajuice

So the dear la-anon offered to leave a report of her Tracers pre-screening experience and I’m summing it up here in this post.

BUT first things first: LET ME LOVE YOUUUU ldksjflksjflksdj thank you so much for doing this!! And congratulations on getting that opportunity^^

"~la anon: My apologies! Switching a shift -callingoutsick- to go see the movie resulted in back to back 8 hour closing/opening shifts, so I’m dead, but it was totally worth it! There was no way to really get a recording, they searched bags and you got wanded before you ever entered the theatre, unfortunately, so I’m going to try not to spoil things, unless that’s wanted? But this movie is so much more of the grown up Taylor that I saw at the live read, they’re are a couple parts where he’s got that absolutely perfect grin and you instantly place him, but otherwise he almost feels like a different actor. Or I guess just that he’s matured. I love Abduction because Taylor and Tayly, but I have trouble at times believing that it came from somewhere real, whereas honestly you felt like majority of this might’ve really happened. And something I’m realizing is that he does a flat affect incredibly well, i.e. the ‘Yeah… and?’ tone. He did it a ton as Dirk Diggler and it’s also present here.

90% of the set pictures that we got occur within the first 20 minutes so it didn’t at all feel like I had already seen the movie from those. I actually sat there wanting more (besides for obvious reasons) because it was a little bit rushed, like ‘oh, okay. It’s over?’ Essentially, that they had a runtime that they needed to meet so they got to the resolution, put a bow on it and said alright, we’re done. The Chinatown plot is not nearly as cliche as was thought! Or at least, it’s not necessarily the focus of the movie. There are some moments where you really think something is going to happen, and then it doesn’t; there’s also a very significant twist that I didn’t expect. There’s a gratuitous use of shaky cam, assumingly to put you more in the action/panic etc, and that does get a bit tedious about three quarters of the way through. What I found brilliant is that this entire movie makes use of Taylor’s athleticism, it’s not just randomly thrown in because he’s secretly a ninja.

THERE ARE FUCKS AND SHITS SAID. So you will get your fix soon! There is a club scene. And granted, it’s not a let’s make out in the club scene. But hnnnng. Bby can be veryy intense when he choses to be. The tattoo that he said we couldn’t see is on his chest, it’s a name, and you can’t really make it out (though a pretty decent guess comes from the plot) but anyways. You see that tattoo because he’s shirtless on his bed/pallet thing with Marie. Around that scene is implied sex, but you don’t actually get the sex :/ (There’s a pretty nice dry hump against the wall though).

That picture on the rooftop that no one can figure out is of him holding a picture, the light is reflected off the surface really /really/ strongly. Or it’s intentional so that you can’t actually see the image, that could be too. There’s a zip up vest, like a jacket with the sleeves cut off type, and holy fuck, arms. Uh uh… I’m blanking on what else I can say without going into full on plot details, but if there’s anything specific you want to know then stick it in the tags and then I’ll fangirl/answer as best I can?

aaaahhh I’m so excited!! this sounds great and I’m fangirling right along with you :D I never expected you to get a record of anything since that would be illegal and I totally never ever would watch an illegal record *pointed look* it’s perfectly fine, I’m glad I got anything at all!

I’m a little disappointed about the sex-scene (or the lack thereof) but I wasn’t expecting anything after I read Taylor (and his ever hovering dad) are co-producing this thing. I’m happy with the humping (a girl takes what she can get) and the fact that it’s done on a Nikki (nuff said).

YUSSSSS there will be some cussing and I never expected anything less than Taylor doing all his stunts (duh). Overall I’m excited to see a more grown up version of him and I’m sure they’ll still fix things; After all, a pre-screening is set up to ask for people’s opinions and consider their reactions, no? They still have time to change stuff, maybe even reshoot if need be. Was the movie even finished? Did they say anything about that? How are those things even announced? I mean, how does one get by such a ticket? O.o When exactly will the movie come out, did they mention that?

And you couldn’t spoiler me, honestly, gimme all the dirty details you have and I’ll soak them up to watch that movie in my head ;)

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