Wednesday, November 21

Taylor Admits He's Extra Careful About Dating

Taylor Lautner is "careful" about who he dates. The Twilight actor, who is best known for playing werewolf Jacob Black in the popular vampire franchise, is more "guarded" now he famous worldwide and he gets paranoid that women are only interested in him because of his wealth and status.
Taylor said: "I do have to be more careful. I would be lying if I said that I don't guard myself more than I used to, but I don't want to be too guarded. If you have so many walls up that you can't even make new friends or find new relationships. That would be a bummer."
The 20-year-old heartthrob, who has previously been in relationships with his Abduction co-star Lily Collins and country singer Taylor Swift, is still unsure as to whether or not he believes in love at first sight but he's sure he will understand more about romance as he gets older.
Taylor added in a magazine interview: "I'm still figuring that one out. I go back and forth on that. Sometimes I say I do and sometimes I'm not sure. I definitely think I need a few more years under my belt to fully know if I believe that or not. I do enjoy romance. There's always some sort of love story in every movie, but the roles I'm working on now aren't super-romantic so I'm excited about that. It will be different for me, after this romance saga."

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