Friday, September 14

Kristen Stewart Leaning On Taylor Lautner For Support After Affair

Ok...I really don't like this entertainment page "" cause i feel my opinion is making up stories which they don't have sources of the person they talk too.  Kristen made a mistake and us as fan we forgive her for it and moved on and getting ready for this promotion of Breaking Dawn Part 2 we as fan excited to see the trio.  Don't mind Kristen leaning on Taylor for support cause that what good friends do they give support to friends that are hurt or in trouble.  But assuming that Taylor is taking sides and betraying Robert Pattinson .  Taylor is not taking sides he is friends with both of them and he cares about them why start a rumor about this him taking sides this was said in the article.

Give the fans the truth and stop making up stories since there's no juice story about Kristen you guys wanna make one please leave her and the rest of the trio alone.

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